had a wonderful weekend, started off with the night out with the Sauron, Grimmjaw, Bee Gees extended family.. hahah... had steamboat dinner at Canteen 5, then went over to Yunan Garden for a funny time at the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations held there.. made our own mooncakes and burnt quite a few lanterns! hahaha...
then hung out at the Staff Lounge at Nanyang Executive Centre till the end... hhaha... couldn't really enjoy cos my tummy was at it again, grumbling the entire night thru like it had been since wednesday.. so was a bit moody again.. hahaha.. but nonetheless still managed to have quite a lot of laughs with the kids.. hahaha.. they nv fail to brighten up my day with their antiques..
well, i wasn't too bad with my last suggestion for the forfeit too!! hahaha... well done Kenny and Xueqian!! woohoo!! hahaha...=P
watched a movie on SCV today called "peaceful warrior" and started thinking abt some of the things mentioned in the show abt living in the now.. once again thought abt how we all spend so much time recalling wat happened in the past, worrying abt wat's gg to happen in the future, so much that we forget to notice wat is right in front of our faces and around us..
we let our past experiences rule our decision making in the present when they are meant to be references instead.. we also let our fears of wat's to come in the future affect our decisions now purely based on our own conjectures, which are most of the time jus plain stupid worries over baseless thoughts that are generated in our own heads...
but it's ever so difficult to jus bring ourselves into the present and living in the now, pushing aside the worries and fears we all have inside us right? hahaha... i have difficulties doing that too.. but we shd all try to jus live out of wat society puts on us.. wat expectations we put on ourselves and jus try to live our lives happily in the now...
i wish for everyone to be able to do that!! =) jia you!!