ok la.. not a lot actually.. jus dat this past two weeks has its ups and downs lor.. hahaha...
well, downs have basically been dat we're still struggling with the self balancing scooter that still hasn't been able to balance itself.. hahaha... then there's the cursed bugger who stole petrol from my bike by pulling out my fuel pipe!! curse that bugger.. my bike's a little cranky too, probably cos of the weather ba.. and i still have along list of to dos to slowly clear...... hopefully can clear them before end of the year.. This sat also gotta take bus into KL by myself to go catch the competition because the fyp cannot finish... plus i dun wanna miss it for 2 weeks in a row, so i sacrifice one (definitely cannot be the second one.. hee...) but will catch the conpetition in time ba.. hahaha... Jia you Keat Hwa!!
ups, need i say more? hahaha... it's all over my facebook, msn and all over the shop la.. hahaha... went mambo-ing last wednesday and then St James on Sat.. squeezy and difficult to dance compared to a few years ago.. hahaha.. but had a lot of fun cos its the first time i'm really just enjoying the music and dance feeling very important and loved.. hahaha... felt magical... as always...
met up with a couple of old frens to do a simple send off dinner for Jun Min, who's gg to Switzerland for a yr!! so shiok!! i also wanna go... but i also dun wanna go... hahaha... so conflicting... hehehe... but damn happy for her la.. hope u have fun there girl... dun go too havoc over the guys there k? heeeheee....

Kong Hwa Rocks!! woohoo!!
lastly, jus enjoyed our first month together... wonderfully simple but nevertheless sweet.. cannot divulge too much here.. wait i need to prepare a lot puke bags for all of u liao... heee... but i really enjoyed every moment of it.. jus as i enjoy every moment u're with me.. thanks dear!! hee... =P

1 comment:
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Answers :
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