Wednesday, April 30, 2008

taking the bus....

havent been checking my mail for the past week, and realised that the mailbox got a bit flooded with stuff to clear.... managed to work it out anyways....

was sick since last thursday, wasn't feeling 100% in the morning... and i had to get caught in the rain that was filtered thru rotting clams and other sea creatures in the dry dock... so instead of jus getting wet, i got wet and smelly.... went back to the office to change out into my fresh uniform and sat in the office for the rest of the day... managed to force myself home on the bike shivering and collapsed at home with a fever without anyone at home knowing....

my sister came home and iced me down from my 39.6 deg fever at 3am in the morning... then i went to the doctors the next morning and measured in 40.4deg i believe... hahaha.. was all numb and tired and jus didn't feel like moving, eating or even doing anything at all but lie there and wrap myself up.... called in sick on friday and saturday and continued to stay on the sofa until sunday before i got better enough to head out of the house for light food....

pushed myself back to work on monday, but missed the company bus and didn't wanna ride, so i treated myself to a taxi ride to work which cost my abt $38.50... and after that i decided not to ride if possible to work liao la... otherwise i'll always have a hard time trying to get home... either feeling too tired or sleepy....

so now every morning have to wake up 5am and get out of the house by 5.40 to go catch my morning bus and head to work as per normal.... but only officially 38 more days to go le... my countdown begins... but it also counts down my time to install the drive pipe support platform... my last project at work other than the thrusters...

hope everyone's doing jus as fine!! =)take care ah...

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