Monday, September 8, 2008


i foresee this week to be one of hectic proportions sia!! hahaha.. cos many many things happening altogether in one very short week a bit hard to cramp in ah... plus have to catch up with so much work lagging behind.. hohoho.. sure will go cuckoo one man...

now printing notes in library, so thought i'd jus come up here and rant a bit.. since i've improved so much in typing speed after using MSN very often.. hahaha... (at least dat's wat my 5jie says..) hehehe..

later gotta go socialise at the MAE Club investiture.. hopefully get a chance to speak to the new President and also introduce my successor to the new team.. this way then can keep the bond between the camp and the schools strong n keep the Insinyur Flame burning high high!! hehehe...

then gotta go get car for my mum's trip up malacca with my sister.. too bad i can go cos i have presentation this week..

end of the week got Mid-Autumn festival celebrations with all my Insinyur children, grand-children and great-grand children!! then also have to help with organising my neighbourhood celebrations on sat with the RC after my TMSA ExCo meeting..

haiyo.. i list them down i also wanna die liao... and still got more packing in lor.. on top of my tuitions and also my FYP... O_O! sweats..

wish me luck!!

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