Wednesday, October 15, 2008

harbour again!!

hahaha... it's the name of this template in case some dunno.. hahaha... jus changed it today cos the black from the previous one is seriously putting my mood down a little though i love the darker background actually.. hahaha...

well, in typical fashion, cos i'm still too lazy to find newer ones, i'm sticking to the standard ones provided lor.. hehehe... dun blame me k? wait till i am better able to manage my time then see how la..

how ironic... the guy who's supposed to be able to manage his time best in everyone's eyes actually in fact has a time management problem.. hahaha...

ok.. gotta go le.. still need to get some more things done while i'm still in the feel like working mode.. hahaha...

but i'm so excited today, cos i found someone who wants to go backpacking with me after graduation!! yay!! hopefully the trip will work out la.. =) more updates as they come.. hahaha...

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